Taking the step of enrolling your child in preschool can be emotional for both the parents and the children. While many parents enroll their child in preschool so they'll be ready for the rest of their school career, you don't want to send your child to preschool unprepared. Unfortunately, many parents do send children that aren't ready for certain situations. Here's a look at some of the most common ways children are unprepared for preschool, and how you can make sure your child is ready.
Using the bathroom
In a preschool setting, going to the bathroom on their own can be tough for a child. They don't have complete control of their bladder yet, and they're in an exciting environment. Oftentimes, kids this age will wait until the very last minute before they realize they need to go. There will be scheduled bathroom breaks, but these urges can come on very quickly. Make sure your child knows they can use the restroom at any time, even if it's not during a scheduled break. In addition, your child should be able to undo their own buttons. Don't place them in clothing they can't get out of easily like overalls.
Making friends
Going into a situation with lots of new faces is scary for just about anyone. If it's a child's first time in this sort of setting though, it can be even scarier. Reassure your child that everyone they meet will be just as nervous as they are, and that they're just as new. It might help your child if you can role play an introduction. Teach them how to approach new friends or have them order at a restaurant so they can become accustomed to talking to people. Also, be sure your child knows how to be a good friend (sharing and taking turns) and how to deal with someone who isn't.
Sanctioned time
If your child is preschool age, there's a good chance they haven't had much experience with doing certain things during a certain time period each day. You may have a set bedtime, but the concept of sitting in one are and focusing on one task without moving on to something else can be frustrating for a child.
To help, start having special, set apart times with your child each day. Have times like "art time" where your child draws for 15 minutes, and doesn't play with any other toys or "reading time" where they listen to you read a story and don't move around. Make it clear that this is a special time, and that they need to focus on what's at hand.
Preschool can be a great preparation for traditional school, but you need to make sure your child is ready! To help your child, other students, and even the teachers get the most out of the time you have together, have your child ready for what's coming. Focus on these three areas, visit http://www.kidscountry.net for more information, and you'll be off to a great start!