Your Baby, Daycare Centers, and What to Bring Each Day

Are you ready to go back to work — in the office or from home? Daycare centers provide the ideal combination of care, supervision, and developmental experiences for infants. After you choose a center, set a schedule, and pick a day to start, take a look at what you need to do to pack and prep your baby for child care. Pack a Daily Bag You don't need to take your baby's entire nursery to daycare. [Read More]

4 Infant Care Services

When both parents work, child care becomes a necessity. You don't have to hire a nanny or wait until your child is in preschool to go back to work because some child care centers offer infant care for very young children. Here are four services you can expect to find at a child care center that provides infant care: 1. Diaper Changing It's not uncommon for kids to still be potty training until they're three years old. [Read More]

What You Need To Know About Preschool And Fine Motor Development

What will your child learn in preschool? Even though your young child will build early literacy and math skills, these aren't the only areas they'll work on. Along with academic abilities, your child will also develop fine motor skills. If your child is ready to start a preschool center, take a look at what you need to know about fine motor skills and your child's early education. What Are Fine Motor Skills? [Read More]

How To Choose A School For A Child With Autism

If you are the parent of a child who has autism, then you know how difficult everyday life can be. Although it may seem easier for you to just take care of your child by yourself, sending them to school will give them a lot of opportunities, and will give you some free time to take care of yourself. When you are looking around for a school for children with autism, there are many different things that you should keep in mind, but which of them are the most important? [Read More]